
Get a Linklove Video for FREE

Every so often, I think we’re crazy and that we give too much away. Then I remember that all the best things we have came from giving away more than we thought was reasonable.

So in that spirit, and because we love all you SEOmoz subscribers so much, we have decided to give away one of the hour-long HD videos from our #linklove conferences earlier this year. You might remember linklove being described by Rand at the time as absolutely remarkable. The videos have been on sale since the event for $249 and have been watched thousands of times, consuming almost 3TB of bandwidth.

The most-watched of all of them is Mr. Wil Reynolds (from SEER Interactive) talking about link building pitfalls, mistakes and traps for the unwary. I’m not surprised either – he totally killed it.

So, in a moment of craziness that’ll consume our bandwidth bill, we have decided to make the video of Wil available free to all of you. Because of the way our platform works, we have to do this via a discount code but don’t worry – it won’t require any credit card details etc.

Get on with it…

Wil Reynolds at LinkLove

OK – here’s what to do to get access: Just head to this page and use the code MOZWILFREE at checkout to get access to the video absolutely free. We don’t typically sell the videos individually so you won’t find the direct link on our site – you need to go here to get it.

If you need convincing to want something free

Check out the trailer:

If you like what you see

You probably saw Rand’s post the other day about why our upcoming SearchLove conference (in NYC and London) is a must-attend. If you are keen but your boss needs convincing, we put together a convince your boss PDF. Hope it helps! Don’t forget to pick up your SEOmoz PRO discount code down the bottom of this page.

…and obviously we love it when people buy the whole video set, and yes, you can get a discount on the whole set if you like. Use MOZLINKLOVE at checkout to get 50% off (making it a crazy steal at $125 for 12 HD videos to stream or download).

PS – recognise this guy?

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